Maker Faire Luxembourg

Join or support our next edition

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Self eSTEAM Challenge

Edition '24 is launched...

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Book our workshops and our Makerbuzzz!

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LYRC 2025

Get ready for LYRC 2025 edition!

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The MakerBuzz brings the makerworld to every corner of Luxembourg (and beyond)! Our association has set up the first mobile makerspace in the Greater Region in 2020.

Scroll down to discover our “van-based” educational offers, including the Self eSTEAM Challenge and our mnemonic “Bobo?”-plasters…

Be part of the Self eSTEAM Challenge

The Self eSTEAM Challenge is a national contest for all youngsters. Each year, there is a special challenge to solve. Each year a box with the main components is distributed… And at the final event, all contestants can showcase their ingenous solutions to the challenge.

Join the current edition or browse through the archive of the previous editions dedicated Self eSTEAM Challenge page.

Book a workshop

You want to boost your team with some science? You want to strenghten problem solving skills and build resiliance amongst your group(s)? Then consider booking one of our workshops. We will explain you how they are key to a wide range of skills and a future-proof mindset.

Currently, we offer the following workshops (for all ages):

To book the workshops, please fill in the form here.

* These workshops are cofunded by the Ministry of Equality between Women and Men. More details here.

** These workshops are cofunded by the Ministry of Education. More details here.

Hire the van

You are organising an event and are looking to complement it with interactive do-it-yourself activities? Then book the MakerBuzz and we will find the most suitable activities for your target group(s)!

To book a DIY activity with the van, please contact us via this form.

Discover our tips and our coaching

Something can always go wrong while you’re making… But so that nothing serious happens to you, we have put together a few useful tips:

We also organise trainings or coaching sessions to all interested multipliers that are interested in maker activities.

Our partners

The #MakerBuzz is co-funded by the “Fonds National de la Recherche” and by the André Losch Fondation.The Self eSTEAM Challenge was able to launch thanks to a generous support by the Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte. The Lions Club Sirius ran a charity collection for the benefit of the MakerBuzz. Since the start of the project, RTL Luxembourg is media partner of the MakerBuzz.

Don’t hesitate to contact our team if you would like to support this lighthouse project for Luxembourg!