Maker Faire Luxembourg

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Self eSTEAM Challenge

Edition '24 is launched...

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What is the challenge about?

You are between 6 and 24 years old? You like to tinker and be creative? Then this is the right challenge for you. The goal is to build a boat that can move from one side of a pond to the other one.

All you need if you want to participate is curiosity and interest. No previous technical knowledge is necessary.

Everybody is welcomed to participate! You can participate alone or with your friends or your family. This can also be a great project if you work in the (non-)formal education! We offer also workshops and help for schools, maison relais or youth houses etc.

How to build the boat is explained in tutorials which you find below. The grand finale is taking place on May 18/19, 2024 in Ropsort. Until then, you can tinker, test and optimize as much as you like. There are no limits to creativity!

How can you participate?

1. Get your free Self eSTEAM kit

All you need to build your boat is our Self eSTEAM kit. Additionally you might a few pens, some tools for cutting and some glue.

Solving the challenge alone is possible. We recommend that you work on your boat in small groups (2-4 people).

Please register to receive your Self eSTEAM kit:

You can find a list with the dates and places to pick up a kit at our news article.

2. Start building your boat

The kits contain all necessary components. So you can start building on your own. If you want some support, we prepared two tutorials for you and you can always come and visit us. And remember after building the boat itself, you are invited to decorate and pimp your construction. Depending on your ideas, you can use as many additional material as you deem necessary.

3. You need some help? We’re there for you!

Download our workbook with understandable work steps and many exciting research questions and exercises which will support you in the building process and encourage you to find the solution yourself.

Watch also the video tutorial (English subtitles available) on how to build the boat. You can choose to display the subtitles.

We are travelling with our MakerBuzz to different locations all over Luxembourg. Soon we will publish the dates and locations of our tour with the MakerBuzz.

Especially for (non-)formal education institutions we offer workshops for the children or the educators. Please fill out this form so that we can send you more information.

5. The Big Finale

All participants to the Self eSTEAM Challenge ’24 are warmly invited to show their boat in action at the Grand Finale that will takeon May 18 and 19 in Rosport.

All boats will be lined up to form a gigantic parcours. Moreover, all winners of the competition will be announced and maybe you too can pick up one of the trophies.

The following categories are announced:

  • the boat with the most creative look
  • the most sustainable boat
  • the boat with the most surprising mechanical functionality
  • the technically most sophisticated boat
  • the boat with the coolest code
  • the biggest boat
  • the fasted boat
  • the boat with the coolest 3D-printed elements
  • the most minimalistic boat
  • the most colorful boat
  • the most ingenous boat only with parts from the kit

The categories will be explained in more details in the FAQ (auf English)

Enjoy tinkering and exploring!

For additional questions, have a look at our FAQ or send us an e-mail to