Self eSTEAM Challenge ’24 – Participation form (individuals / teams) Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Teilnehmer / Participant(s) *FirstLastGeburtsjahr / year of birth *>20182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999<1998Geschlecht / Gender *XW/FMBoot Name / Name of boatHast du bereits einen Namen für dein Projekt? Du kannst den Namen später zu jeder Zeit anpassen. Define a first name for your project. You can change it at any stage of your project!Weitere Teammitglieder / Additional team members(falls du im Team arbeitest / if you work in a team)Section DividerKontaktperson / Contact person *FirstLastName der Person, die das Kit abholt / Erziehungsberechtigter bei Minderjährigen Name of the person who picks up the kit / Name or tutor in case of minorsTelefon / Phone *Email *EmailConfirm EmailWeitere Kommentare / Tell us more about your interest in the Self eSTEAM challenge... *Zustimmung / Confirmation *Ich bestätige dass ich im Namen des Projekts / der Gruppe / der Minderjährigen handeln kann. Ich stimme den Regeln des Wettbewerbs zu, inklusive der Zustimmung dass Fotos und Videos des Projekts / der Teammitglieder durch make it veröffentlicht werden können.I confirm being in charge of the project / group / minor person indicated above. I confirm being informed about the rules of the competition, including the consent of pictures/videos may be shared by make it of the boat and of the people participating in the challenge.GDPR Agreement *I consent to having this website store my submitted information so make it asbl can respond to my inquiry in the frame of the Self eSTEAM Challenge. You can read our privacy policy hereNewsletterI consent to be informed about other activities of make it asbl (Maker Faire, workshops, activities,...)The kits will be distributed from February 15 (2022) onwards on a "first in, first out" basis. In case we are out of stock, you will be informed and your request put on queue.EmailSubmit